Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Oh hayyy:) So tonight I was talking to some of my friends and I casually brought into the conversation that I blog now. One of my friends starting laughing uncontrollably. It was a little terrifying. I guess blogging isn't exactly the coolest teenage form of social media? what are you talking about?!?! This is such a party! I mean look at me. 18 page views. even someone from Alaska! P-O-P-U-L-A-R. so I can't make this as long and rambly as my other posts because I'm supposed to be writing this paper about Medea that's due tomorrow that I just started at 10 and it kind of is going to take a while. And then I have to study for a "quest" in chemistry. gonna be a long night. sighhh I miss the days when I used to get like 12 hours a night. I also miss the days when I could take 4 hour naps in the middle of the day. oh wait. that was Saturday (don't judge- I had a cold and I had to get up really early for practice. I was tired!) Wow, this has been a pleasant post. Should probably get back to that paper thing now. hoping for a solid B:) #ihateschool #ohwaitthisisn'ttwitterishouldn'tusehashtags #thatwaslong #awkk
k bi,

Friday, October 19, 2012

New favorite quote ever:
"When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. 
Life will be all like 'WHAAAAAT?'"
-Modern Family 
love this show<3

Blogging is

I literally can not contain my endless joy at receiving the opportunity to blog and share all the exciting details of my amazing life with everyone on the internet! YAYYY! Blogging, as stated in my title, is just SO much fun! except... not really. Forty-six minutes until the end of class. Just got an assignment from my journalism teacher to "blog". Bad news: I have nothing to blog about. One of the unfortunate side effects of not actually having a life. Haha just kidding, I actually do have a life. I swear. Wow this just reached a new level of pathetic-ness. Convincing an imaginary audience (I have a total of one website-viewer) of how cool my life is. Well since I have nothing else to write about, I'll just share the events of my day. I woke up. at 5:30. Now I'm really tired. I then went to school. Trig test first period, probably failed. Next was TAB (Take A Break- for nonWestern-goers) where I stood in a zoned out state, too tired to talk to ma frandssss. After TAB I had the joy of going to French, with the one and only Mrs. Anderson. We learned about irregular verbs. There's a test on 34 of them with their conjugations and meanings on Monday. Can't wait. Next was lunch. Not fun. Studied for AP Euro in the library. Ate a granola bar-yum. Took AP Euro test, probably failed. Here's a fun fact. El Greco brought mannerism from Spain to Italy, not Vega. Whoops. Now here I am in journalism. Whadda pardyyyy:) I'm tired. I want to go home and sleep. sighhhhhhhhhh. Okay, I'll end this fabulous post because it's getting a little long and rambly. k bi